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牛春戏剧挑战月 School of Resistance

自从去年看了《重述》,我就被Milo Rau圈粉了。在2月底的时候,由Milo Rau主导的一个组织School of Resistance在网络上推出了一系列的影像播出以及相关的辩论。这些影像都是基于Milo Rau的戏剧作品的类似于制作花絮,拍摄记录的影片,更确切点来说有点像是两者的结合。一方面会有不少戏剧现场的表演的录像,基本上已经覆盖了大部分的演出内容;另一方面是参加演出的演员们和导演本人的关于这个戏剧的背景内容的补充,有的是关于戏的内容的,有的是关于拍戏的时候的经历。在看之前我还有一点嫌弃这种形式有点不伦不类的,但是看完之后真的是五体投地啊,完美地解决了光看现场表演没有背景知识看不明白的地方,而且Milo Rau真的是把这种重述的艺术展示到炉火纯青且恰到好处。比起这种形式,Milo Rau所关注的内容、想要传达的想法更是有很大的意义,让人觉得很佩服敬仰,要把诺贝尔和平奖颁给他也一点不为过。膜拜这位男神。

The Last Days of the Ceausescus


The Moscow Trials

讲的是有三起关于现代艺术冒犯宗教的案件,独裁政府和宗教相互勾结在一起,在审判的时候直接偏向了宗教那一方,其中的过程和真相并没有被公开。Milo Rau重新建立了一个新的审判,邀请了不同立场的真实身份的人来到这个舞台上的法庭,也请了真实的人来扮演陪审团的角色。虽然是重新建立的审判,但是参加的人们都是真心地在为艺术和自由辩护,或者是在打着宗教和政治的旗帜攻击。其中有一个人有一个人很赤裸地说这些艺术在诋毁俄罗斯核心价值父权,他在为相信这些核心价值的人发声。他们被指出和法西斯的身份联系在一起,却也不在意,而是特别骄傲自己的爱国者的身份,觉得自己所骄傲的关键词:god、family、fatherland、honour。最后的审判结果是平票,不能判定被指控的现代艺术是否有罪。陪审团之一的人突然站起来举例斯大林并当场离场。影片中间还有一段讲在排这出戏的时候,导演亲自出现被查护照被中断,然后还有官方的介入试图终止这个演出,在现场连那些保守派的人们也在对此抗议。

It would be superfluous to examine these three incidents individually. For me the matter is quite clear: in our days there is a war against a hostile form of acting and thinking. It is a war over mankind, in all its diversity. We believe, I personally believe as a believer that mankind descends from God. That he didn’t evolve from a ciliate, an amoeba or an animal and then to a modern human. That is why I ask you to consider when reaching your verdict, not just to judge the acts of any individuals over abstract political and historical events. No, your verdict is a statement about the threat to our country. Moreover, if we want to remain a free nation and take charge of our destiny, if we are capable of agreeing amongst ourselves, whether religious or not, otherwise we will have to live by Western laws. You are deciding if marriage in Russia will be between a man and a woman or between partner A and partner B like in the West. Be aware that your verdict will decide all of this. Thank you.

War and religion are not compatible. People who describe themselves as orthodox believers at the same time preach the opposite values. They proclaim they were deeply offended by these exhibitions that trampled all over their feelings. I doubt that, as it is impossible to describe these people as believers, and especially as orthodox Christians. They might want to believe in something but obviously not in Jesus Christ. Otherwise they wouldn’t have acted in this way. They wouldn’t have destroyed their holy objects while pretending to defend them.

I don’t know you personally but I have the impression when I see you sitting in front of me, that you have great respect for art. Because all Russians have this respect. We are all convinced that art is capable of much. Sadly that is not true. Art is capable of very little. It can draw attention to a problem but cannot change the fate of our country. It cannot practice justice. But ladies and gentlemen, today you can. It is in your hands that our country does not become a theocracy. We are in great danger of being defeated by orthodox fundamentalism, a fundamentalism like the world had never seen before. It doesn’t bode well, not for us, not for our children or grandchildren. The denial of the European idea will bring us no luck, it will destroy us. Today it is not about the artists, but our collective fate. And so I ask you to decide “not guilty”. Thank you.



The Congo Tribunal

在刚果发生了一系列的非人道的悲剧,人民生活在水生火热之中,却无从寻求正义。Milo Rau组织了一场国际审判,虽然没有什么现成的法律可以依据,但是能做到的之少是把这件事情的真相还原,用多方面的视角还原。


这三天以来看的三部片子太让我震撼了,特别是按照这么一个顺序。历史上鲜为人知但真实发生的审判重现,在同样法律下已经审判过但是重新召集专家证人和陪审团再次在舞台上审批,连法律也不存在的事件也没有被审判过现在创造一次审判。我的天呢,Milo Rau还能在这上面玩出什么新花样,真的已经逆天了。

Orestes in Mosul

NTGent 10 point manifesto

1. It’s not about portraying the world anymore. It’s about changing it. The aim is not to depict the real, but to make the representation itself real.

我以前好像讲过,在读Oresteia的故事的时候,我最在意的一个地方是杀来杀去已经分不清楚到底在哪个阶段的杀戮和复仇是正义的了,而最后Orestes在杀完人以后最后得到的是神的审判,好像在这么复杂的情况之下只有神可以做出人类无法挑战的判决。Milo Rau太神了,连着三天不同程度的升级审判之后,他这次选择了重现神的审判,人们重新取代了神的地位去审判这本应只有神可以解决的案子。



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